Sexual Crimes in Conflict Database

A collection of relevant literature and case law

Showing all 1 results.
  • Jurisprudence judicial mechanism

    ICC - Colombia

    Sexual Violence against Children Sexual Violence against Men Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War
    Crimes of Honor HIV Sexual Orientation Terrorism Threat of Rape Spoil of War Investigation Preliminary Investigation

    Reference link
    Type of mechanism
    International Criminal Tribunal/Court
    Name of mechanism
    International Criminal Court
    The Prosecution has determined that the information available provides a reasonable basis to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed in the situation in Colombia by different actors, since 1 November 2002, including rape and other forms of sexual violence as crimes against humanity. The Prosecution also held that there is a reasonable basis to believe that war crimes under article 8 of the Statute have been committed in the situation in Colombia since 1 November 2009, including rape and other forms of sexual violence under article 7(1)(g) of the Statute and rape and other forms of sexual violence under article 8(2)(e)(vi). The FARC, the ELN and paramilitaries have been held responsible for the commission of various forms of sexual violence, including: rape; torture and sexual mutilation; forced prostitution and sexual slavery; and other forms of sexual violence. Targeted victims of sexual violence include women and girls who have been forcibly recruited; women whose relatives are members of armed groups or are viewed as having contacts with members of an opposing group; women obstructing forced recruitment of their sons and daughters, particularly by the FARC and the paramilitaries; women belonging to indigenous communities; men and women whose sexual orientation or gender identity is questioned; alleged carriers of sexually transmissible diseases such as HIV/AIDS; women members of human rights organizations and activists; women who refuse to obey instructions of the FARC. Amnesty International identified the following motives behind the commission of sexual violence by armed groups: to sow terror within communities to ease military control; to force people to flee to facilitate acquisition of territory; to wreak revenge on adversaries; to accumulate trophies of war; to exploit victims as sexual slaves; to injure the “enemy’s honor.” According to the First Survey on the Prevalence of Sexual Violence against Women in the Context of the Colombian Armed Conflict 2001-2009, victims of some types of sexual violence were assaulted and victimized by the use of a weapon to threaten them, including knives and firearms.

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